Gunaidin (correct?), Very interesting photos, dear neighbour. I am particularly sensitive to photography, as you will note if you visit my blog.
May I suggest a way to make your photos appear just full-screen when you click on them (not larger), so the viewer does not have to use the roll bars: Adjust the size of the photos to 900 pixels wide for landscape format and 600 pixels for portrait format.
4 yorum:
Gunaidin (correct?),
Very interesting photos, dear neighbour. I am particularly sensitive to photography, as you will note if you visit my blog.
May I suggest a way to make your photos appear just full-screen when you click on them (not larger), so the viewer does not have to use the roll bars: Adjust the size of the photos to 900 pixels wide for landscape format and 600 pixels for portrait format.
super :)
Her yaz mutlaka giderim Cunda'ya. Bir tek geçen yaz gidememiştim. Cunda ve Bozcaada. Emeklilik hayalleri..
2 yıldır gidiyorum..tarihsel dokunun içinde kayboldum..kilisenin restorasyonu yapılıyordu bitmiştir sanırım..sevgi ve dostlukla..
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